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Hire a Web Developer

Web Developer

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Recruter un Développeur Web

The "perfect" web developer

Web development encompasses a range of fields, from designing the forms, layouts and functionality with which your end user will interact, to building the databases, APIs, web protocols and server-side applications that fill the back-end. A great web developer isn't just another contractor you hire to complete work. Ideally, he becomes your partner. He brings skills and tools to the table that bring your ideas to life and turn your grand vision into a distinct reality. So, when you hire your "perfect" web developer, make sure he's the right person to realize your goals.

Why hire a web developer?

To stay ahead of your competitors in the business world, you need professional services from a reputable, well-established company for your website and web applications. You need to work hard and smart to generate substantial profits on what is often considered a cost center. A web presence is one of the most strategic assets a company can have. Indeed, the benefits of a website are immense and essential to your success. When designing a website, whether for personal or commercial use, you need to ensure that it captures the essential elements required of an atypical site.

While creating a website is an option, hiring a professional to build it is a much wiser decision. Corporate sites should be created by qualified, professional designers. These are the people with the skills to manage a web development project from start to finish. As the site owner, there are a number of advantages to hiring professional web development experts:
  • 1

    Strategic development

    One of the strengths of web developers is their ability to draw up a strategic plan. In this plan, they focus on your business model and future ambitions and goals. If your long-term plan is to bring your entire business online, they'll help you lay the bricks of your website and define the best course of action to keep your plan moving forward. Professional web developers see this as an obvious tool to help you achieve your goals.

  • 2

    Quality web development

    As the gateway to your business, the website should make a good first impression on your visitors. With the advent of e-commerce and e-shop integrations, most transactions take place directly on websites. So it needs to be high-quality, well-planned and dynamic to cater for the different tastes and preferences of the many customers who will frequent it. An experienced web developer can build a results-driven website that is attractive, animated and offers an excellent user experience.
  • 3

    Unique content development and management

    When it comes to web design and development, content is king. In fact, a website without content is like a farm without crops; it's bare and useless. Content development is a skill that is not given to everyone, so an untrained individual may not develop captivating content. It needs to be unique, interesting and informative to attract the target audience. Web developers generally have various teams assigned to specific tasks within the web development process. There are team members who deal solely with content development to ensure that the overall website is of high quality.

  • 4

    Search engine optimization

    It's not enough to simply put together a glamorous site; it needs to be optimized for search engine visibility. Here's how it works: whenever you search for certain content on the Web, some pages appear first, while others may appear several pages later in the search engine results. The likelihood of the latter pages being visited is almost nil, which means they can lose sales as a result. Search engine optimization is available to solve this problem, ranking your site on the first or most important pages. Web development experts usually have knowledge and skills in page promotion, enabling search engines such as Yahoo, Google, MSN and Bing to rank your web page highly.

  • 5

    Web Analysis

    Working with a well-established, professional web developer allows you to constantly monitor your company's website and marketing methods. These professional companies have web analytics experts who are highly skilled in using analytical tools to generate reports that will help businesses maximize their strategies. In addition, the experts use Internet data to gain critical insights that will drive your business to greater levels of success and profitability.

How to hire a web developer?

Identify your web development project requirements

Web development covers a lot of territory, encompassing server-side coding to client-side coding, and everything in between. When it comes to hiring a professional web developer, it's important to narrow down the aspect (or problem) of your application, site or back-end operations with which you need help. First, define your requirements, then identify the type and level of skills needed to complete them. Research what your requirements might need in the way of resources. There's plenty of information available on all areas of web development, including explanations exploring APIs, server-side scripting technology, software "stacks", the cloud and much more. From there, you should consider breaking down the project into the specific technologies your web developer should be familiar with, such as the technology in your existing software (e.g., PHP, MySQL or Node.js), the frameworks you're using (e.g., .NET, AngularJS or Ruby on Rails), any cloud-based deployment or compute services, or API and database integrations the developer will need to work with.

Finally, use the information you've gathered to create a detailed job description that will appeal to the type of web developer you're looking for. Start by defining a scope of work that focuses on three things:

  • Results: What results do you expect?
  • Targets: What are your deadlines?
  • Time: What are your project start and end dates?

This will help web developers come back to you with a detailed development proposal, in line with your needs!

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